2021 A new year for Queensland Walks.
We extend a very special welcome to our new and renewed financial members and congratulations to our new board members.
We are delighted to have Greg Vann and Angela Wright joining our existing board members including:
Andrea Mann,
Anetta Van Itallie,
Jane Hedger,
Shalon Thompson (Treasurer),
Ben Wilson (Secretary), and
Michelle Wade (President).

AGM Documents
- Presidents Report
- Treasurers Report / Audit – available on request
- Executive Officer Report
- Queensland Walk Week Report
- AGM Minutes
2021 Staffing
We are pleased to announce that we have completed a recruitment and selection process for the Executive Officer role and are delighted to offer Anna Campbell the position. In addition to her significant experience and breadth of knowledge, Anna has tremendous passion for the vision and mission of Queensland Walks and we look forward to working with her to deliver on projects and achieve our objectives.