We represent walking for all Queenslanders

Support the Newstead e-petition

‘Safer sidewalks & crossings in Newstead, Brisbane: Inclusive environments & infrastructure for people with disabilities’.

To complete the e-petition visit: BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL: E-PETITION

Recently, we became aware of the e-petition submitted to Brisbane City Council. We know that facilities for walking need some major improvements, and especially provisions for people to easily and safely cross busy roads. We encourage you to read the petition and support the request

‘I currently support a person with a disability (PWD) who is living in the Newstead area. He enjoys spending time in the local community and would like to build the skills to access Newstead independently in the future. At this stage, there are multiple environmental barriers to achieving this goal. Recently, this man and his service dog were hit by a vehicle in Newstead at an unmarked crossing, both suffering injuries.

On multiple occasions, powered wheelchairs have tilted backwards and almost flipped due to unstable sidewalks. With the current state of the roads and sidewalks, this person isn’t able to access his community safely or independently as he requires a support worker whenever he decides to leave home. Having access to local community and transportation are social determinants directly linked with positive health outcomes. Newstead has recently become more inclusive through the construction of safe, sustainable and specialist disability housing; although with the current state of the surrounding sidewalks and roads, engagement is limited, and social isolation continues. These are unnecessary barriers currently impacting PWD’s every day.

As stated under the Convention on the Rights of PWD’s, all people have the right to access “buildings, roads, transport and public facilities”. Prioritising safety of Newstead roads would provide benefits to the broader community. Since the Brisbane City Council precinct traffic study in 2017, people living in Newstead and surrounding areas have expressed ongoing concern regarding pedestrian and vehicular conflicts. Crash studies indicated high risk for pedestrians being hit by vehicles. With significant ongoing development in the last 4 years, sidewalk utilisation and road traffic conditions have worsened. Investment in safer infrastructure hasn’t kept pace with the rapid development and growth in the area. Majority of crossing areas are unmarked and do not alert drivers to slow down for pedestrians crossing. Sidewalks are particularly uneven and very challenging to navigate for people with mobility limitations who use walking aides/wheelchairs.

The Newstead area desperately needs designated crossings along roads which lead towards the local shops (Gasworks development). Risks would be significantly minimised if sidewalks are re-paved to ensure flat and even surfaces. Areas of concern include Chester, Leopold, Stratton, Longland, Kyabra, Doggett, along Ann street and Commercial Road. This development would benefit everyone in the local community. I welcome the opportunity to discuss this community issue further. ‘

This petition is active until the 24th of August. We would love to have your support & advocacy on this matter.

To complete the e-petition visit: BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL: E-PETITION