We represent walking for all Queenslanders

Photo and video use permission form

Thank you for participating in Queensland Walks photo and video collections.

Your images will be used to promote and advocate for walking in Queensland on our website, in publications and on social media channels.

Queensland Walks will always ensure that you images are used sensitively and respectfully.  

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Name of Individual
I am over 18 years of age
Date / Time
I give Queensland Walks Incorporated of Brisbane, Queensland, its assigns, successors, licensees, legal representatives, employees and agents the irrevocable right to use my name/photograph/image/audio recording/video recording and likeness in all forms and manner (“My Image”) for the purposes of awareness raising, advocacy, training, advertising, media, publicity, for general display or for other advocacy or training purposes in whole or in part, including but not limited to publication on internet websites, broadcasts and any other publications as released to or by Queensland Walks.
I understand that my photo(s) or video(s) may never be revoked. I waive any interest that I may have in the copyright to My Image now or at any future time and acknowledge that I am not entitled, nor shall in the future be entitled, to receive any payment or consideration in respect of it and agree to make no claim against Queensland Walks for any payments for the Publication of My Image.
I understand Queensland Walks cannot control unauthorised use of My Image by persons not associated with Queensland Walks upon the Publication of My Image. I forever waive any right to inspect or approve any Publication of My Image by Queensland Walks. I release and indemnify Queensland Walks from any loss, damage, costs, expense, or claim (including consequential loss) connected with the Publication of My Image, including action for defamation, libellous material, breach of privacy, or copyright.

Clear Signature