We represent walking for all Queenslanders


Queensland Walks Month focused on walking for mental health with a theme of “Good for the Soul”. The theme emphasised the holistic benefits of walking for the mind, body, heart, and soul. “Good for the Soul” was a reminder to take the time to walk, roll and stroll every day.

In today’s busy world of screens and online worlds, the daily walk, roll or stroll is more important than ever. Just a 10-minute walk can provide a reset for the mind and create opportunities for active meditation to rejuvenate the soul. Walking with others provides an opportunity for non confrontational “shoulder to shoulder” conversations. Neighbourly greetings providing the chance for all of us to check “R U OK?”

Queensland Walks  encourages everyone to integrate walking into their daily routines. Whether it’s a stroll through your neighbourhood, a power walk in the park, or a leisurely walk with your dog, every step you take contributes to your overall well-being. Who knows, that friendly smile and neighbourly “R U OK?” may well change or save a life.

Queensland Walks is dedicated to promoting walking as a vital part of healthy, active, and connected communities. Through advocacy, education, and community engagement, we strive to make walking accessible, safe, and enjoyable for everyone. 

Walking, rolling and strolling, every day, every place.