We represent walking for all Queenslanders

Social isolation and loneliness in Queensland – more people walking and connected communities can help

Have you experienced, or do you know someone who has experienced social isolation or loneliness in Queensland?

On 27 May 2021, the Queensland Legislative Assembly agreed to a motion that the Community Support and Services Committee inquire into and report on social isolation and loneliness in Queensland (the Inquiry). The committee is required to report to the Legislative Assembly by Monday 6 December 2021.

Queensland Walks encourages you to submit feedback, particularly in the areas of interest:

  • “how current investment by the Queensland Government, other levels of government, the non-government, corporate and other sectors may be leveraged to prevent, mitigate and address the drivers and impacts of social isolation and loneliness across Queensland, including:
  • services and programs such as health and mental health, transport, housing, education, employment and training, sport and recreation, community services and facilities, digital inclusion, volunteering, the arts and culture, community development, and planning for accessible, inclusive and connected communities
  • targeted support to vulnerable and disadvantaged groups and those most at risk.”

For more information about the Inquiry, visit https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/work-of-committees/committees/CSSC/inquiries/current-inquiries/socialisolation and we encourage you to contact Queensland Walks for input into a submission.

Submissions should be sent to:
Email: CSSC@parliament.qld.gov.au
Committee Secretary
Community Support and Services Committee
Parliament House
George Street
Brisbane Qld 4000

Submissions should include:

– the author’s name and signature
if the submission is made on behalf of an organisation, the level of approval (e.g. a local branch, executive committee or national organisation)
mailing address (and email if available), and daytime telephone number. Please ensure your submission includes the above or it may not be considered by the committee.

Committee report

The committee is due to table its report on Monday 6 December 2021. The report will be published here.


Submissions close:Wednesday 18 August 2021, 5:00pm
Public briefing:Monday 12 July 2021
Public hearings:TBC
Report due date:Monday 6 December 2021