“I’m Aasha, a university student doing my placement at Queensland Walks which has given me a huge insight into the importance of maintaining healthy, safe and walkable neighbourhoods, but why do I walk in the first place?

Well, I find that there are so many benefits to walking, as a health sciences student I understand the importance of staying healthy and fit but when I am bogged down with assessment it can be hard to look after yourself. Getting out of the house and away from the stress for an hour or two, can help me relax and keep me healthy.
I also find it to be an easy social activity so when I walk, I walk with my family and friends. It gives me time to chat with someone face to face and catch up with their lives. My friends and I like to challenge ourselves with bigger walks and climbs but even just a leisurely stroll down to a local park can be super fun.

During the various lockdowns we’ve face it has also become a ritual for my siblings and I to take a walk around our neighbourhood or down to the park, just to get some fresh air and exercise in.
My favourite places to walk are often bush walks, which allow you to immerse yourself in nature. As I live close to the city, getting away from all the noises, to just see and hear Australia through plants and animals, feels amazing and unique to the environment we live in. To hear the birds chirping, the Cicadas sing and the leaves rustle, they are noises like no other. A recent spot I found was koala park, a little nature reserve at the sunshine coast, near Nambour. When I visit my cousins, we go up there to walk along the path, look for koalas and look at the different flowers growing.
So, I’d encourage everyone to get out with your family and friends, sign up for QLD walks month and challenge yourself to walk more. It’s one of the easiest things to do, even if you’re just walking down to the shops and it can be super fun, so get out and enjoy.”
Thanks Aasha and it is wonderful to have you working in a student placement position and helping us with Queensland Walks Month. Welcome!